;===================================================================== ; [wkillcx] - (c) 2009 Jerome Bruandet ; ; Sources + docs : http://wkillcx.sourceforge.net/ ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Close any TCP connection under Windows ; ; OS : Windows (XP/Vista/Seven + Windows Server 2003/2008) ; Language : Assembler ; Compiler : Borland Tasm32 ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ;===================================================================== .586p locals jumps .model flat, STDCALL ; ==================================================================== ; API : extrn ExitProcess : proc extrn GetCommandLineA : proc extrn GetProcAddress : proc extrn GetProcessHeap : proc extrn GetStdHandle : proc extrn GlobalAlloc : proc extrn GlobalFree : proc extrn GlobalLock : proc extrn GlobalUnlock : proc extrn HeapFree : proc extrn LoadLibraryA : proc extrn lstrlenA : proc extrn WriteFile : proc extrn _wsprintfA : proc extrn htons : proc extrn inet_addr : proc extrn inet_ntoa : proc ; ==================================================================== .const copyrightMsg db 13,10, ' wkillcx - v1.0.2 - (c) 2009 Jerome Bruandet' db ' ',13,10,13,10,0 syntaxMsg db ' syntax : wkillcx [dest_ip:dest_port]',13,10,13,10 db ' example : wkillcx',13,10,13,10 db ' full doc : http://wkillcx.sourceforge.net/',13,10,0 DLLname db 'iphlpapi.dll',0 DLLnotfoundMsg db ' - error : cannot find [iphlpapi.dll] !',0 ; XP / Windows Server 2003 : winOldAPIname db 'AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack',0 ; XP SP2 / Vista / Seven / Server 2003 SP1 & 2008 : winNewApiName db 'GetExtendedTcpTable',0 APInotfoundMsg db ' - error : your operating system is not compatible !' db ' Please read the doc file.',0 SetTcpEntry db 'SetTcpEntry',0 SetTcpErrMsg db ' - error : cannot find SetTcpEntry API !',0 NoCxMsg db ' - error : there are currently no connection !',0 TotCxMsg db ' - found [%i] connections, parsing them all',13,10,0 notFoundMsg db ' - error : no matching connection found !',0 killOkMsg db ' - success : connection has been closed !',0 killErr1Msg db ' - error : you must have administrative privileges' db ' to kill a connection !',0 killErr2Msg db ' - error : cannot kill the connection !',0 memErrMsg db ' - error : GetExtendedTcpTable returned ' db 'ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER !',0 aagErrMsg db " - error : AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack didn't" db ' return ERROR_SUCCESS !',0 strErrMsg db ' - error : cannot get TcpTable !',0 APIsizeBuffer dd 10240 lookingMsg db ' - looking for connection with [%s:%s]',13,10,0 endianErrMsg db ' - error : network byte order conversion failed,' db ' check IP or port syntax.',0 foundFormat db ' - found connection with [%s:%i]',13,10,0 Exiting db 13,10,13,10, ' Exiting.',13,10,0 .data MIB_TCP struc dwState dd ? dwLocalAddr dd ? dwLocalPort dd ? dwRemoteAddr dd ? dwRemotePort dd ? MIB_TCP ends TCPtable MIB_TCP <> oldWinVer db 0 APIaddress dd 0 hProcess dd 0 null dd 0 APImemAlloc dd 0 APIptr dd 0 memAlloc dd 0 SetTcpEntryAPI dd 0 bytesWritten dd 0 stdout dd 0 ip_string db 16 dup (0) port_string db 5 dup (0) searchRemAddr dd 0 searchRemPort dd 0 outBuffer db 150 dup (0) ; ==================================================================== .code start: ; get console handle : call GetStdHandle, -11 mov stdout, eax call Write2Console, offset copyrightMsg ; look for iphlpapi.dll : call LoadLibraryA, offset DLLname test eax, eax jnz DLL_found push offset DLLnotfoundMsg jmp quit DLL_found: mov null, eax ; look for AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack : call GetProcAddress, eax, offset winOldAPIname test eax, eax jz isNewer mov oldWinVer, 1 mov APIaddress, eax call GetProcessHeap mov hProcess, eax jmp API_found isNewer: ; look for GetExtendedTcpTable : call GetProcAddress, null, offset winNewApiName test eax, eax jnz isNewer2 push offset APInotfoundMsg jmp quit isNewer2: mov APIaddress, eax ; allocate a 10Kb buffer for the TcpTable : call GlobalAlloc, 42h, 10240 ; GHND mov APImemAlloc, eax call GlobalLock, eax mov APIptr, eax API_found: ; look for SetTcpEntry : call GetProcAddress, null, offset SetTcpEntry test eax, eax jnz saveTcpEntry push offset SetTcpErrMsg jmp quit saveTcpEntry: mov SetTcpEntryAPI, eax ; fetch command line parameters : call GetCommandLineA ; parse it : call ParseCmdLine test eax, eax jz display_lookingMsg push offset syntaxMsg jmp quit display_lookingMsg: ; display what we are looking for : call _wsprintfA, offset outBuffer, offset lookingMsg, \ offset ip_string, offset port_string add esp, 4*4 call Write2Console, offset outBuffer ; convert IP/port to network byte order : call inet_addr, offset ip_string cmp eax, 0ffffffffh jne convert_port push offset endianErrMsg jmp quit convert_port: mov searchRemAddr, eax mov esi, offset port_string xor ecx, ecx xor eax, eax mov bl, 9 cld convert_port_loop: lodsb sub al, '0' js convert_port_end_loop cmp al, bl ja convert_port_end_loop lea ecx, [ecx+4*ecx] lea ecx, [2*ecx+eax] jmp short convert_port_loop convert_port_end_loop: push ecx call htons cmp eax, 0ffffffffh jne convert_port2 push offset endianErrMsg jmp quit convert_port2: mov searchRemPort, eax cmp oldWinVer, 1 jnz GetExtendedTcpTable ; AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack : call dword ptr [APIaddress], offset APIptr, 0, \ hProcess, 0, 2 test eax, eax ; ERROR_SUCCESS ? je APIok push offset aagErrMsg jmp quit GetExtendedTcpTable: ; GetExtendedTcpTable : call dword ptr [APIaddress], [APIptr], offset APIsizeBuffer, \ 0, 2, 5, 0 cmp eax, 122 ; ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER jne APIok push offset memErrMsg jmp quit APIok: mov esi, [APIptr] ; our structure test esi, esi jne fetch_cx push offset strErrMsg jmp quit fetch_cx: ; number of active connections : mov ecx, [esi] test ecx, ecx ; none ? jne display_totcx push offset NoCxMsg jmp quit display_totcx: push ecx call _wsprintfA, offset outBuffer, offset TotCxMsg, ecx add esp, 4*3 call Write2Console, offset outBuffer pop ecx next_cx: push ecx ; counter push esi ; pointer ; try to find our IP/port : mov eax, dword ptr [esi+10h] ; dwRemoteAddr cmp eax, searchRemAddr jne unwanted mov TCPtable.dwRemoteAddr, eax mov eax, dword ptr [esi+14h] ; dwRemotePort cmp eax, searchRemPort jne unwanted mov TCPtable.dwRemotePort, eax ; found matching connection : mov eax, dword ptr [esi+0Ch] ; dwLocalPort mov TCPtable.dwLocalPort, eax xchg ah, al push eax mov eax, dword ptr [esi+08h] ; dwLocalAddr mov TCPtable.dwLocalAddr, eax ; convert IP to ASCII : call inet_ntoa, eax push eax push offset foundFormat push offset outBuffer call _wsprintfA add esp, 4*4 call Write2Console, offset outBuffer pop esi pop ecx ; kill the connection : mov TCPtable.dwState, 12 ; MIB_TCP_STATE_DELETE_TCB call dword ptr [SetTcpEntryAPI], offset TCPtable test eax, eax jnz kill_error push offset killOkMsg jmp quit kill_error: cmp eax, 5 ; ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED jne unknown_err push offset killErr1Msg jmp quit unknown_err: push offset killErr2Msg jmp quit unwanted: pop esi pop ecx dec ecx jcxz noMoreCX add esi, 18h ; next structure jmp next_cx noMoreCX: push offset notFoundMsg quit: call Write2Console cmp oldWinVer, 1 jnz noHeapFree ; free memory if AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack was used : call HeapFree, hProcess, 0, [APIptr] jmp noGlobalFree noHeapFree: cmp APImemAlloc, 0 jz noGlobalFree call GlobalUnlock, [APImemAlloc] call GlobalFree, [APImemAlloc] noGlobalFree: push offset Exiting call Write2Console call ExitProcess, 0 endp ; ==================================================================== ; output text to console ; param : [esp+4] : msg to output Write2Console proc call lstrlenA, dword ptr [esp+4] call WriteFile, stdout, dword ptr [esp+4*4], eax, bytesWritten, 0 ; clean up stack retn 4 Write2Console endp ; ==================================================================== ; parse the command line parameters ; ret : success (eax == 0) or error (eax == 1) ParseCmdLine proc ; need to check whether there ; are quotes (") or not : cmp byte ptr [eax], 22h jne check_next find_last_quote: inc eax cmp byte ptr [eax], 22h jne find_last_quote check_next: inc eax ; look for space or NULL cmp byte ptr [eax], 20h je space_found cmp byte ptr [eax], 00h je cmdLineError jmp check_next space_found: ; some Windows versions have 2 spaces ; between program name and parameters : cmp byte ptr [eax+1], 20h je check_next inc eax mov esi, eax push eax call lstrlenA ; size must be from 9 to 21 characters : cmp eax, 9 jb cmdLineError cmp eax, 21 ja cmdLineError mov edi, offset ip_string next_ip_char: test eax, eax jz cmdLineError cmp byte ptr [esi], 3ah ; colon ? je fetch_port cmp byte ptr[esi], 39h ja cmdLineError cmp byte ptr[esi], 30h jb is_dot jmp copy_ip is_dot: cmp byte ptr [esi], 2eh ; dot ? jne cmdLineError copy_ip: movsb ; save to dest buffer dec eax jmp next_ip_char fetch_port: inc esi mov edi, offset port_string next_port_char: dec eax test eax, eax je test_port cmp byte ptr [esi], 39h ja cmdLineError cmp byte ptr[esi], 30h jb cmdLineError movsb jmp next_port_char test_port: cmp byte ptr [port_string], 0 jne endcmdLine cmdLineError: mov eax, 1 ret endcmdLine: xor eax, eax ret ParseCmdLine endp end start ; ==================================================================== ; EOF